Friday, November 17, 2006

Ouch: A PR mistake by Olmert

Israeli Prime Minister Olmert speaking at a White House press conference on the US occupation of Iraq:

PRIME MINISTER OLMERT: Thank you very much. President -- this is nothing to take an edge to the very accurate analysis that you made with regard to these big issues. We in the Middle East have followed the American policy in Iraq for a long time, and we are very much impressed and encouraged by the stability which the great operation of America in Iraq brought to the Middle East. We pray and hope that this policy will be fully successful so that this stability which was created for all the moderate countries in the Middle East will continue.

The argument that Israel was not helped by the US invasion of Iraq cannot be plausibly made any more and the argument that Israel is a primary beneficiary and expected to be so when the operation was being considered cannot be dismissed any more.

So this statement was a fairly serious public relations mistake by the Israeli government, but really isn't anything more than that.

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